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WSCS General Assembly took place online, Oct 7th

WSCS General Assembly took place online

Thursday October 7th the 18th General Assembly of WSCS, moderated by the President Paolo Bronzi with the assistance of the Vice president Joern Gessner and the technical support of Leonardo Congiu, took place with approx. 40 attendants from all over the globe despite the significant time lags. The meeting was also able to enjoy the constructive presence of the honorary president Harald Rosenthal. Our North American colleagues didn’t even have time for proper breakfast while the Chinese colleagues were caught in the middle of the night. After the Opening of the meeting, in his President‘s Report news on the activities of the Society during the past year and a view on the perspective for the upcoming years were provided, and the continuation and expansion of collaboration with related institutions was announced. Regional updates followed in the News from the Members and Affiliated Societies. It was reiterated that WSCS home journal JAI is handling sturgeon papers with priority and that the issues are accessible through the WSCS website for free! WSCS Website has received a lot increased interest after its renovation. Regionally the US and China are the countries with the highest access. The Treasurer’s Report by Thomas Friedrich was well received and both balance and budget were adopted by the general Assembly. Sadly, no update was available on the status of preparation of the 9th ISS, since China is expected to lift its pandemic related travel restriction only by the end of this year. If everything is working according to plan, the rescheduled conference will take place in QiandaoHu, China, in October 2022, where also the next General Assembly shall be taking place.

The Assembly was closed by two presentations on current challenges and countermeasures in broodstock maintenance and development by Mikhail Chebanov and Joel vanEenennaam, providing profound insights into the effects of climate change upon sturgeon reproduction and the challenges in commercial farming concerning the optimum design and handling of the fish for the efficiency of production. Sorry for those of you that have missed these interesting and inspiring talks. Thanks a lot to the two speakers for their synthesis of yearlong work! We hope to make accessible soon these presentations in the reserved area of the website to the members in goodstanding.