Registration for the final conference “Local and global initiatives: how support management actions on diadromous species” (July 2022, Bordeaux) has been extended until Monday, the 16th of May.
The event is entirely free of charge for those who register (no fees for registration, lunches, or the Gala dinner), and thus is limited to 120 participants. There are still about 30 places available. To help us with the accurate count of places available, we would like to point out that guest speakers must also register.
You can access the event website, the registration form and all useful information about the final conference (including a list of accommodation) via the following address:
Please note that on the “Récapitulatif de l’inscription/Registration summary” page, you have to click on two boxes at the bottom of the page to confirm your demand of registration and receive the corresponding email.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions you may have at the following address
For those of you who already registered, it is not too late to present a Poster! Contact us at the address above and we will change your registration accordingly.
We look forward to seeing many of you in Bordeaux next July.
Best regards,
The organizing committe