The main objectives of the International Sturgeon Research Institute (ISRI) in Rasht (Iran) relate to conservation and sustainable use of sturgeon stocks in the Caspian Sea while also fostering regional and international cooperation to conduct sturgeon research in joint projects along the following thematic subject areas:
A) Specific Research topics:
Sturgeon Ecology in natural waters and under ponds conditions
Controlled reproduction, Sturgeon rehabilitation and restocking of sturgeon populations
Stock assessment and improved catch technology
General physiology and biochemistry of sturgeons
Genetics and breeding, biotechnology and population genetics of sturgeons
Sturgeon aquaculture
Ecotoxicology studies using sturgeons as target species
Processing technology and development of sturgeon products
Sturgeon pathology and disease control
B) Involvement in Regional and International Cooperation:
Cooperation with international organizations to conserve valuable stocks of sturgeons in the Caspian Sea and other endangered populations of sturgeon species in the world. eg. CITES ( Asia representative in Animal Committee), IUCN (Chairman of Sturgeon Specialist Group), Member of Foundation Committee and Board in WSCS
Exchange scientific and technical information as well as research experts with other organizations and universities
Conduct long term and short term training courses at different academic levels
Hosting international conferences on management and conservation of sturgeon stocks. (Chairman of ISS5)